Arduino Esplora 蜂鸣器制作音乐例程详解

发布于: 27 January, 2014


// these are the frequencies for the notes from middle C // to one octave above middle C: const int note[] = { 262, // C 277, // C# 294, // D 311, // D# 330, // E 349, // F 370, // F# 392, // G 415, // G# 440, // A 466, // A# 494, // B 523  // C next octave };

void setup() {


void loop() {   // read the button labeled SWITCH_DOWN. If it's low,   // then play a note:   if (Esplora.readButton(SWITCH_DOWN) == LOW) {     int slider = Esplora.readSlider();

    // use map() to map the slider's range to the     // range of notes you have:     byte thisNote = map(slider, 0, 1023, 0, 13);     // play the note corresponding to the slider's position:     Esplora.tone(note[thisNote]);   }   else {     // if the button isn't pressed, turn the note off:     Esplora.noTone();   } }


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