Arduino Esplora 摇杆控制 RGB LED 变色例程

发布于: 27 January, 2014

/*   Esplora LED Show

  Makes the RGB LED bright and glow as the joystick or the   slider are moved.

  Created on 22 november 2012   By Enrico Gueli   Modified 22 Dec 2012   by Tom Igoe */ #include

void setup() {   // initialize the serial communication:   Serial.begin(9600); }

void loop() {   // read the sensors into variables:   int xAxis = Esplora.readJoystickX();   int yAxis = Esplora.readJoystickY();   int slider = Esplora.readSlider();

  // convert the sensor readings to light levels:   byte red   = map(xAxis, -512, 512, 0, 255);   byte green = map(yAxis, -512, 512, 0, 255);   byte blue  = slider/4;

  // print the light levels:   Serial.print(red);   Serial.print(' ');   Serial.print(green);   Serial.print(' ');   Serial.println(blue);

  // write the light levels to the LED.   Esplora.writeRGB(red, green, blue);

  // add a delay to keep the LED from flickering:    delay(10); }


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