Accept an invitation to join a Canvas course as an instructor

Published: 9 March, 2021

If you are using Canvas through your institution, you will most likely already have a Canvas account and need to accept a course invitation before you can log in. Your institution will email your login information. However, you may also receive a course invitation where you have to create a Canvas account as part of the registration process.

Accept Course Invitation

If you've enrolled in or been invited to a Canvas course, you will receive an email that contains your institution's Canvas URL [1] and your email address to use for your login [2]. To accept the course invitation, click the Get Started button [3].

Accept Course

Canvas will take you to your course and ask you to accept the enrollment. Click the Accept button.

Create Canvas Account

Click the Create My Account button.

Note: If you already have a Canvas account, click the I Have a Canvas Account button. You'll be directed to the Canvas login page.

Complete Registration

Create a password [1] and enter your time zone [2]. Depending on your account type, you may be asked if you want to receive information, news, and tips from Instructure [3].

Select the Acceptable Use Policy checkbox [4], then click the Register button [5].


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