Term Schedule
For fall, spring, and summer courses, the term end date has been set globally for August 31st.
For example:
- Courses within the Fall 2022 term will be placed into past terms on August 31st, 2022.
- Courses within the Spring 2022 term will be placed into past terms on August 31st, 2022.
- Courses within the Summer 2022 term will be placed into past terms on August 31st, 2022.
Levels of Access in Past Term Courses
When course terms or participation dates pass, you will still maintain specific kinds of access to the course. View this table below to learn more about the kinds of actions and access each role retains once a term or participation date has concluded:
Action | Term Date Conclude |
Instructor | |
Can view course content | YES |
Can add/edit content | NO |
Course appears in Dashboard | NO |
Course appears in Past Enrollments section | YES |
Student | |
Can view course content | YES |
Can add/edit content | NO |
Course appears in Dashboard | NO |
Course appears in Past Enrollments section | YES |
General | |
Course enrollments are identified as "Prior Enrollments" | NO |
Can import content into next term courses (or new site) | YES |
Can be overridden/undone | YES |
Who can override/undo | ADMIN |
Official Course- Banner Feed Fix? | NO |
Viewing Courses in Past Term
1. In order to view courses from past terms (including those courses migrated from Classes*v2), click on "Courses" from the global navigation.
2. From the side menu that appears, click “All Courses.”
3. Under the "Past Enrollments" section, you will find a list of your past term courses.
Adding Users to Courses in Past Terms
When the course is in the past term, you cannot add users to the course (the +People button in the People tool will be grayed out or not present).