PowerSchool as OpenID Identity Provider

Published: 19 January, 2022

PowerTeacher Pro is our first gradebook that has been built with customizability in mind. Because PowerTeacher Pro has been built using entirely different techniques than the rest of PowerSchool, the method for customizing is necessarily different as well. However we endeavor to make the customization process as familiar as possible.

Single Sign-On Links

Adding OpenID single sign-on links to the PowerSchool user interface requires supplying an <openid> element in your plugin definition.

This following XML example defines a plugin for MyApp with one single sign-on link definitions. This link will appear in PowerSchool and allow the user to single sign-on to the MyApp application assuming MyApp is an OpenID relying party.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<plugin xmlns="http://plugin.powerschool.pearson.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://plugin.powerschool.pearson.com plugin.xsd" name="MyApp" version="1.0" description="Provides OpenID Single Sign-On link to my third-party application">

 <openid host="www.myapp.com">


     <link title="MyApp Login" display-text="MyApp" path="/login.aspx">


         <ui_context id="admin.header" />

         <ui_context id="admin.left_nav" />





 <publisher name="TONYLABS TECH CO., LTD.">

   <contact email="support@tonylabs.com" />



Link Query Parameters

The OpenID link presented in PowerSchool points to a redirect address in PowerSchool. The link includes pre-defined, as well as customer query, parameters. The following is an example of the link address generated by PowerSchool:





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