Get Ahead of the Curve!

Unlock Your Potential with ScholarOS

Output Three Core Services

  • Localization
  • MaxMind safety
  • Response ASAP

Financial System

Accounting System tailored for Non-Profit international schools

  • Fully customizable synchronization without manual intervention
  • Tuition billing
  • Customizable invoice generator
  • Reports
  • Customizable workflows

Student Information System

Deep development of PowerSchool and iSAMS SIS

  • Server and service deployment
  • Platform integration and development
  • Plugin development
  • UI customizations
  • Data security

Learning Management System

Third-party software development for Canvas LMS and ManageBac

  • Service maintenance
  • Cross-platform integration and development
  • Customization via system API
  • UI customization
  • Data security and consistency
Clients Who Trust Us with Their Success

Meet Our Valued Clients

Shanghai Community International School 1996 上海长宁国际学校 上海长宁国际外籍人员子女学校
American International School of Guangzhou 广州美国人外籍人员子女学校
Hangzhou International School 杭州国际学校
Shanghai SMIC Private School 上海民办中芯学校

Savings and Inheritance

Thirteen years of accumulation in the education industry to create a cost-effective professional international school financial system

  • Security
  • Hardware isolation server
  • Security

Scholar OS

  • Tuition fee system for international schools
  • Flexible multi-level approval procurement system
  • Easily connect to major SIS systems
Getting Started