Canvas LMS
Learn how to use Canvas by viewing the Canvas guides and asking questions of your fellow Canvas Community members.

How do I copy content from another Canvas course using the Course Import tool?
You can copy course content such as assignments, modules, pages, and discussions from previous Canvas courses into existing courses. You only have access to copy content from courses in which you are enrolled as a user with instructor permissions.

Understanding Courses in Past Terms
Courses that are past their Term Dates or manually set Course Participation Dates are still visible to all instructors and participants, but prevent participation or modification after that date. Courses from previous terms are organized and accessible under the "All Courses" list from the Global Navigation menu.

How to solve Canvas overload Issue: This website is under heavy load (queue full)
If you are the self-hosted Open source Canvas LMS administrator, you would get this error message from your end users: This website is under heavy load (queue full). We need to think about why this happened? Here is the clue and solution you would try.

Embed a Guides lesson inside a Canvas Course
Many of our clients are using Canvas Guides to build their own training modules inside Canvas. We think this is a great idea since our product is changing so quickly. By embedding lessons in your course with iFrames, you can be sure that our most recent documentation is available to your learners. You can also link to the Guides in Modules.

How does Canvas work as a supplement to face-to-face courses?
Canvas provides tools that supplement face-to-face courses by providing additional information online. Students will be able to access content for courses they are enrolled in through Canvas. Some institutions provide Canvas course sites for face-to-face courses automatically, while others require their instructors to request course sites in Canvas.

Accept an invitation to join a Canvas course as an instructor
If you are using Canvas through your institution, you will most likely already have a Canvas account and need to accept a course invitation before you can log in. Your institution will email your login information. However, you may also receive a course invitation where you have to create a Canvas account as part of the registration process.

How do I add or edit details in an assignment?
When you create an assignment, you'll add details for the assignment such as the description, file submission types, and point value. If you create an assignment shell, you must edit the assignment to add the assignment details. Assignment settings are persistent to always remember and display the settings created or edited in the previous assignment in the course. Please note that this feature only applies to settings; it does not include assignment due dates.

Assign an assignment to a course section
When creating or editing an assignment, you can assign an assignment to a specific course section. You can also set different due and availability dates for a section within an assignment that is assigned to the rest of the class. Availability date functionality is still available for each assignment.